Casale del Giglio

 Casale del Giglio


Casale del Giglio was founded in 1967 by Dr. Berardino Santarelli, a native of the Appenine hill town of Amatrice. The estate lies between the towns of Aprilia and Latina in the Agro Pontino valley, some 50 kms. south of Rome. Unlike other parts of the Latium region, or other regions of Italy, this territory was still uncharted in viticultural terms when Berardino Santarelli and his son Antonio launched their research project in 1985. Since the early 1990s, Dino’s son Antonio, in keeping with his father’s intuition and in partnership with the young enologist Paolo Tiefenthaler, from the northern Italian Trentino region, has achieved remarkable results from an intense programme of research and experimentation. From Le Ferriere to Rome, from Rome to Lazio, from Lazio throughout Italy, from Italy and beyond, the wines of Casale del Giglio have conquered the world.

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Mater Matuta

Mater Matuta

Casale del Giglio


Lazio IGT

56.70 / 0,75 l Fl.

incl. VAT 20.0%  excl. delivery included taxes € 9.45
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