


When it comes to great wine from Italy, the growing areas of Tuscany are certainly at the top. The wines from Chianti or Brunello di Montalcino alone make it clear that the region plays in the top league of wine. To the Grand Duke Cosimo III, a scion of the Medici family, we owe one of the oldest documents on the protected designation of origin of wines. In his decree of 1716, he mentions by name Chianti, Pomino, Val d'Arno and Carmignano, which are still known today as DOCG or DOC wines. The undisputed No. 1 grape variety is Sangiovese, which is for example, required to make up at least 75 percent of Chianti wines and as much as 80 percent of a Chianti Classico. Rosso di Montalcino and Brunello di Montalcino are single-vineyard wines made from Brunello - a variety of Sangiovese. Tuscany stands not only for classic wines, but also for wines that voluntarily violate wine laws in order to realize their own, often French-inspired ideas of quality. We are talking about the "Super Tuscans", which are mainly blends from the French grape varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah. The results are simple IGT wines or even table wines which receive top international ratings and are sometimes way more expensive than an outstanding Chianti Classico.

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Vermentino di Monteverro

Vermentino di Monteverro



White wine

21.00 / 0,75 l Fl.

incl. VAT 20.0%  excl. delivery included taxes € 3.50
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