


Among all wine-producing countries, Italy has a leading position. The tradition of viticulture goes back to the Etruscans and Greeks.The climate is largely determined by the Mediterranean Sea and mountain ranges. The Alps protect the north and the Apennines run through the Italian boot in the interior. Because of these very different climates and soil conditions, viticulture here offers a diversity of grape varieties and flavours that is unique. Viticulture is practised in all 20 provinces, which are also the wine-growing regions. The most important in terms of quality are in the northern half of the country: Piedmont, Veneto, Friuli, Alto Adige-Trentino and Tuscany. But the southern regions, such as Sicily, Puglia and Campania, are also making great progress. area under vines: approx. 700,000 ha | annual production: approx. 60 Mhl
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