Schwarz Wein

Schwarz Wein


"The Butcher" is more than just a name. Before Hans Schwarz dedicated himself to his great passion, winemaking, he was a butcher. However, his very first wine, Schwarz Rot, gained such cult status that winemaking became his main profession, while butchery turned into a hobby. Over the years, the winery grew into one of the most renowned and awarded estates in Burgenland. In 2017, his son Michael Schwarz returned to Andau, setting the course for the future. A trained oenologist and food technologist specializing in meat production, Michael took over the management of the cellar and sales after gaining international experience in France, Germany, Spain, and Australia. In true Schwarz fashion, he continues his father's passion for both wine and meat.

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Schwarz weiss

Schwarz weiss

Schwarz Wein


Burgenland QW


incl. VAT 20.0%  excl. delivery included taxes € 6.72
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The Butcher Cuvée

The Butcher Cuvée

Schwarz Wein


Burgenland QW


incl. VAT 20.0%  excl. delivery included taxes € 4.30
excluded delivery